Szombat, 2024-07-27, 06:44:21
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Lord of Ultima leírások magyarul

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Támadó stratégiák, Védekező stratégiák,Építkezési stratégiák.Ha megépíted a katsélyt a városod foglalható lesz!

Támadó stratégiák

Sereg küldésnél több opció van.
Akció: Kastély szükséges: Cél Egységek:
Kémkedés Igen Minden város Kém*
Ostrom Igen Kastély Sereg, Kosok* / Kőhajítók*, Báró**
Rablás Igen Minden város Sereg
Főszörny Nem Kazamata Sereg
Támadás Igen Kastély Sereg
Támogatás Nem Minden város Sereg
Alapítás Nem Üres mező Báró, stb.
*Mehet önállóan vagy a sereggel. **Báró választható városfoglaláshoz szükséges.
Sereg különböző egységekből állhat , ostromnál a fő ostromsereget küldő városból ha ujabb egységek érkeznek az ostromolt városhoz akkor ezek csatlakoznak a fősereghez a következő hullámnál.


Actions: Kastély szükséges: Cél Egységek:
Kémkedés Igen Minden város Kémek
Megjegyzés: Kémek küldhetőek Rablás, Támadás, és Ostrom esetén is. Leírás:
A kémek csak kémek ellen harcolnak vagy kémlelőtornyokban lévő városőrőkkel.
Támadó Kém vs.Védekező Kém + kémlelő torony
Ha a támadó elegendő kémet küld akkor azt a jelentésben is látni fogjuk mert láthatóak lesznek a város nyersanyag tartalékai épület szintek, egységek. Example:
49 Kém rablás esetén következő infóval tér vissza:
Nyersanyag kikémlelve
Fa 18948
Vas 89654
Élelem 16318
Épületek kikémlelve
Épület Összes szint
Favágó 44
Kőfejtő 61
Tanya 12
bővebben bővebben
Holdfény torony 3
Trinsic Templom 3
Megjegyzés: Teljes infó 25 épületről; a lista lerövidítve. A védekező nem rendelkezik katéllyal kikötővel és hajógyárral sem. Ezt az infót a régió nézetben is begyüjthettük volna mivel katély mentes ikonja van a városnak és nincs víz mellett. Épület részletek:
A jelentésben összesítést látunk a klönböző épületek össz.szintjéről, viszont ha a képek alatt lévő szint szám fölé visszük az egeret részletezést kapunk arról hogy az össz. szintet hány épület adja és azok külön külön hányas szintűek .
Összesen: 44
2 /szint 3
8 /szint 4
1 /szint 6


Akció: Kastély szükséges: Cél Egységek:
Ostrom Igen Kastély Kos* és Kőhajító* Báróval
Basic Tooltip Description:
bq: Begin besieging a city with a Kastély.Your troops surround the city and seige attack it hourly unless you withdraw. The goal is to conquer and control the city. This is acheived by your baron claiming 100% power of the city. After 10 AM Eastern Standard time on US servers, and 10 AM Greenwich on European ones, the maximum your baron can gain in each hourly attack is 10%. After 10 PM, that amount reduces until it reaches just 6%. Also, the town enters "night protection”, which increases the target town’s defenses.Opponent’s city can not trade at this time, but can receive support troops to counter the seige attack. This will aid the town’s morale in addition to build up the city’s defensive strength.Best to combine this with multiple assults. Also, battering rams can destroy the enemy town’s defenses, allowing your army to do more damage while taking less losses.Additional Bárós do not speed up the conquering effort since the max claim per hour is 10%. However, there is a chance that your baron will die during the siege, even when you have overwhelming forces. That may be a good reason to bring a spare; if the baron dies, the siege goes back down to 0% and you have to send another baron and start over.

City Build-up Strategies

The key to surviving and thriving in Lord Of Ultima is a high construction speed. When you begin your city, Lady Lyanna will walk you through the basics. After this point, you must balance increasing your construction speed with your resource production. If you do not build cottages to increase your construction speed, you will not be able to upgrade your production buildings in a reasonable amount of time, and you will be constantly out of resources. Your resource buildings are more productive as their levels increase. (Épületek Wiki)You should strive toward a construction speed in excess of 2000%. This increase in speed allows you to enjoy the game, as all of your time is not spent waiting for the next building to finish construction. A good example of this is the upgrade to a level 8 town hall (required to build a castle). At 100% construction speed, upgrading from level 7 to level 8 would take 16hr,40min. At 2000% construction speed, this will take 50min. To upgrade a moonglow tower from level 9 to level 10 (required to purify resources to recruit a baron and research upgrades) at 100% takes 60.5 hours. At 2000% it takes 3 hours.As your construction speed increases, you should also strive to increase the level of your resource buildings. A good example of this is the farm. The basic production of a level 5 farm is 30. The basic production of a level 7 farm is 90. The basic production of a level 9 farm is 260, and a level 10 farm is 400. You need over 13 level 5 farms to match the production of a level 10 farm. These are 12 buildings you could be using for something else.A second concept is the use of production bonuses and placement. A level 10 farm, with eight surrounding farms (i.e., no buildings, no resource fields present other than grain fields) yields 1290 food/hr. If you place a farm beside a lake, one of those grain fields is replaced by the lake and the production increases to 1755 food/hr (a net increase of 36% production bonus). (Keep in mind that even though a lake has a 50% bonus, you are sacrificing one of your grain fields to do it.) If you are lucky, and have two lakes close enough together that the farm touches both, the production increases again, to 2100 (a total increase of 63%). Mills (max of one per farm) and cottages will also increase the production.The maximum a single farm can produce is 3864 food/hr, attained by having two adjacent lakes, a mill and two cottages next to the farm. Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily want the maximum output. Eliminating one of those cottages only drops the output to 3686 (less than a 5% drop), while that building spot might be better used somewhere else: maybe by another cottage at another farm or other resource building, maybe by a warehouse or hideout to hold or hide your extra production, or a myriad of other options).If you’re not quite so lucky, and you have only one lake, the maximum production drops to 3441, with three cottages. However, that last cottage is not even close to being worth it, giving only a 1% increase over two cottages. Even the second cottage is only marginally acceptable, giving a 7% increase over one cottage. In general, realize that each improvement of a resource building is less effective than the previous improvement (of the same type, e.g., 2 cottages vs. 1 cottage).

Protection against plundering

Some hints Oh my god, I got plundered ! One day, you will probably log in to set up new orders for your city and… DAMN! Someone plundered it. He came with a lot of troops, killed many of your proud but fewer defenders and stole what belongs to you. (This guide assumes that you don’t have a castle yet and that the plunderer has a lot more military power than you have. It also assumes that you don’t have a friend who can quickly send a large army to protect you.) What now !?
1. Relax
2. Do not give up
3. Challenge the plunderer 1. Relax
The plunderer can hurt you, but he cannot kill you. Details: – Most of your resources and economic power are bound in buildings. He cannot destroy those as long as you have no castle. – You will lose troops, but that is not unusual in Lord of Ultima. Everyone does, this is a game where players fight players. Rebuilding an army after war will happen often. – You can protect your resources. 2. Do not give up The plunderer can only win this battle for resources if you give up and become inactive.
Details: To understand the thoughts of the plunderer, we will switch to his perspective.
Usually, the first attack of him was rather ineffective. He probably lost more troops than he gained resources. But even if he gained resources, his only chance to turn your peaceful city into a profitable resource "farm” is that you give up. The plunderer finds many targets in the Lord-of-Ultima-world: a) The ideal target is a "cleaned” (no defenders) city of an inactive player, he can walk there, steal resources, and walk home without any losses. b) Second best are wealthy and weakly protected cities of active players. He will have some losses, but since the storage is full, it is still a very profitable deal. c) Third type of targets is dungeons. They cause some losses, but overall, they are rewarding for the plunderer. d) Everything which is less good than a dungeon usually doesn’t get plundered, since there are better targets. This is the category you want your city to be in. 3. Challenge the plunderer You want to be an unattractive target for the plunderer.
First goal: Become less attractive than dungeons
Second goal: Become completely unprofitable for the plunderer. Details: You need to reduce the amount of resources the plunderer can steal and increase the amount of losses he has: First, build hideouts. Cancel all other build orders. In Lord of Ultima, all resources in your storage ANDin your queues can be plundered (the orders will be cancelled, if necessary). You need to keep some of your resources safe, or you will not be able to build or recruit anything. The number and level of course depends on the economy of your city, there is a chart below that can guide you as to how many you might need. Build them close to small forests, which you don’t need for wood production, since this will increase their capacity. If necessary, tear down some low level buildings to get the room for the hideouts. Igen, it hurts your economy, but it is necessary.Key to chart: Level is the level of the building (town hall or hideout) in question. TH storage is how many of each resource that level town hall stores, while amount hidden is how much of each resource a hideout of that level hides. The hideouts needed column is how many hideouts (of the same level as the town hall) is needed to hide just the resources stored in the town hall (column 2 of this chart)

Level TH Storage Amount hidden Hideouts needed
1 5000 500 10
2 7000 1000 7
3 10000 2000 5
4 15000 3000 5
5 24000 4500 6
6 35000 6000 6
7 50000 8000 7
8 80000 10000 8
9 125000 12000 11
10 175000 15000 12

As the chart demonstrates, keeping 6 hideouts at the same level as your townhall will protect as many resources as your townhall stores from the end of the tutorial (level 4) through level 6. Second, keep your stored resources low. If your resources pile up to full storage level, you are very attractive for a plunderer. Basically it means that you "overinvested” into resource buildings and "underinvested” in speed buildings, since you are not able to use all your resources. Upgrade or build cottages to increase the amount of wood and stone you can invest per hour into buildings. Build military buildings like training grounds to increase the amount of iron (and wood) you can invest per hour into units. Ideally, you can keep the total amount of resources in your storage and queue low enough, that there is not much to plunder in your city at any time. Finally, you can use the marketplace to send resources somewhere else. Even if you don’t have multiple cities, maybe you can get a deal with another player in your area to store them for a fee. Make sure he seems to be trustworthy, since no one can force him to stick to the deal. Third, maximize losses for the plunderer. You might think that your few units will not really make any difference, but that is not true. Each killed attacker makes the plunder attack more ineffective not only because it reduces the amount of resources gained by the costs of the dead unit, but also because it takes time to rebuild and slows down the build process of the plunderers army, which he doesn’t like. To maximize the losses of the plunderer, you have to upgrade your defense (city wall and towers) and constantly build the best unit to defend. To decide which unit to build, you need to take a look at the plunder report. If he came with Knights primarily, you should choose Guardians or Crossbowmen. If he came with Mages, build Templars or Paladins. If he came with Berserkers, build Rangers. Check the production time of those units. If you can build city guards three times faster, or you don’t have those units available because you miss the building, then it’s probably better to build plain city guards. Nemw, after you started to work on becoming less attractive, you should take a closer look at each plunder report you get: a) MaxLoot
Calculate or estimate the amount of resources the plunderer could have looted if all of his units got resources. Currently, Knights carry 20, Berserkers 10, Archmages 10 and Mages 5. You can check the other units by looking at their tooltip). Example: Let’s assume he came with 1000 Knights, MaxLoot = 20.000 (20 per Knight). b) Loot
Sum up the amount of resources the plunderer looted, and subtract all costs for his losses (currently, a Knight costs 350, a Berserker 150, a Mage 200 and an Archmage 450. You can check other units by looking at their tooltip). Example: Let’s assume he stole 15.000 resources and you killed 20 Knights (costs 350 each = 7000 total) means that he gained 8.000 resources overall. You achieved your first goal, to become less attractive than dungeons, if Loot/MaxLoot < 50%. Kazamatas are currently about 60% to 80%. You will see that almost any plunderer will give up at this point since it doesn’t make sense anymore. There are better targets out there. In our example, the plunderer gained 40% (8.000 / 20.000), he should turn away from you. You achieved your second goal if "Loot” is negative. He lost not only travel time for his army and time to rebuild troops, but overall he lost resources too. He should definitely stop plundering you.
If multiple people try to plunder you, things are not much worse. Basically you will inflict less casualties on their side, but they have to share stolen resources which overall makes their trips less effective. Another hint: Usually it is not a good idea to mail the plunderer and tease him, since you don’t want this to become something personal. You want him to stop as you have shown him that you are not an easy target. What happens if he still plunders you even though he just loses resources overall ?
Keep in mind that some plunderers send out many hunting armies each day, and they do not always check every report if it still makes sense to attack someone. It might be a good idea to send him a polite mail which explains that it doesn’t make sense to visit you anymore.Maybe it became something personal. The plunderer just continues to hunt you even though it doesn’t make sense. At this point, you need to negotiate with other players, e.g. maybe you can trade resources with someone who sends you a support army to defend.note-(from a plunderer) Chances are if you are recruiting troops from nothing to defend against regular attacks, you will be unable to kill more troops than the plunderer can recruit in the time it takes the troops to walk to and from your city, this in mind try to aquire (through daily quests, bosses, etc) amulets so that you can recruit many troops much more quickly. It should catch them off guard.

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Új európai szerver indult w101 névvel, ahová összegyűltek a magyar világok legjobb játékosai egyetlen erős szövetségben. Csatlakozz Te is, ha tagja akarsz lenni annak a csapatnak, ami meghódítja Európát! (Hungarians nevű szövetségünkbe várunk minden magyar játékost, legyen az akár tapasztalt, vagy első világos, kezdő)